Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hello World

Hello World,

I'm Aryeh. Im not quite sure who I am blogging for or what I am blogging about but we will call this a "work in progress."

Over the course of the day I tend to read about 3-5 online newspapers, in addition to my RSS reader in which I have around 10 marketing blogs and 15 tech and Mac blogs. (Yes I am Mac user.) I am a gadget freak and I love innovation and technology. I will try to post about interesting stories that I pick up on during the day and other random things that I encounter through my life.

I work as a Marketing Manager for a company called Payoneer. We are a startup that is growing really quickly and what I'm working on right now is to try to bring the company's image from the regular startup to the "cool web 2.0" company.

What is a "cool web 2.0" company? In my head it is companies that:
  1. Allows, engages and encourages personal relationship with the customer
  2. Use social, viral, internet and alternative marketing
  3. Offer a really neat and great service in a customer oriented way
Examples of a few are Ning, Wetpaint, Wix, Webook.
I will try to post examples to illustrate my unfinished definition.

Presently I am spending most of my time working on online communities, blogs, bloggers and all kinds of social and web marketing. The company has really focused on R&D in the past years to get our platform to where it is today, but little to no attention has been spent on brand development and image. It is not a easy task to start something from nothing but it is certainly a challenge. The challenge mainly consists of dealing with priorities, the word slows down my ideas and projects. As much as the word urks me, in the framework of a startup it is the way things need to be done to enable the fulfillment of the end goal.

To leave off with a great YouTube video about YouTube. It really is quite fascinating to see how a user generated content site is changing online and offline culture. Its long but its really worth the time.

That's all for now.

Have a good one,


1 comment:

yitzchak said...

well aryeh the real challenge today is to find out what will be the next thing for internet, updating the sales models and marketing plans.